

28 Uppsatser om Personell husrannsakan - Sida 1 av 2

Tvångsmedelsutövning enligt RB 28 kap: När och hur får de användas?

I Sverige har vi som allmän utgångspunkt att varje medborgare är skyddad mot kroppsliga och integritetskränkande ingrepp, husrannsakan, kroppsvisitation och liknande intrång. Dessa lagstadgade skydd återfinns i Regeringsformens 2 kapitel. I vissa situationer måste dock den enskildes intresse av integritetsskydd inskränkas. I Rättegångsbalkens 28 kapitel finner vi regler för när och hur den enskildes lagstadgade integritetskydd får inskränkas genom tvångsmedelsutövning Det är dessa bestämmelser som jag har försökt utreda i denna uppsats. Utöver de konkreta reglerna som uttrycks i RB 28 kap aktualiseras ett antal principer vid tvångsmedelsutövning.

Vårdpersonalens uppfattningar om fibromyalgi

Aim Our aim is to highlight perceptions of fibromyalgia among health care personell.MethodsA systematic literature review conducted with a deductive approach.FindingsHealth care personell felt insecure because of a lack of understanding which lead to avoiding contact with these patients. Many felt that the fibromyalgia patient was categorised and that they would have been better served with another name of their disease. There was a great distrust against the diagnosis and its aetiology. The patient was perceived as troublesome, illness-fixated and draining the personell of energy. The paradox that the patient is looking so healthy but bearing so much pain was confusing for the health care personell.Conclusions Communication and an empathic encounter was identified as important elements for patient care.

Samtyckets betydelse vid tvångsmedelsanvändning : "Per fas et nefas"

Några av de straffprocessuella tvångsmedel som används mest inom polisen är husrannsakan, kroppsbesiktning och kroppsvisitation. I Sverige är skyddet av den personliga integriteten reglerad i grundlagen, varje medborgare är således skyddad mot påtvingade ingrepp som till exempel kroppsbesiktning och kroppsvisitation. Inskränkningar i detta grundlagsskydd får endast ske om stöd för ingreppet finns i lag. Den lag som reglerar detta är Rättegångsbalken och där står vilka kriterier som måste vara uppfyllda för att tvångsmedlen ska få användas. Vad händer om man istället för de krav som rättegångsbalken ställer upp använder sig av den enskildes samtycke för att utföra till exempel en husrannsakan? Blir det då inte ett påtvingat ingrepp och därmed godtagbart att genomföra trots avsaknad av lagstöd? Rättsläget är mycket oklart vilket vållat stor osäkerhet då varken JO, propositioner eller andra utredningar kan ge ett tillfredsställande och entydigt svar på frågan.

Husrannsakan enligt 20 a § PL : I teori och praktik

Abstract______________________________________________________________________Title:A study about creating understanding for different kinds of empowermentLevel:Bachelors thesis in Business Administration, 15 creditsAuthor:Fredrik LegovicSupervisor:Tomas KällquistDate:2014 - JuneAim:The main purpose of this study is to increase the understanding for different kinds of empowerment and how it affects the staff in the public sector.Method:The choice of method was based on the research aim. The method used to meet the objective was qualitative. The qualitative study was conducted with a hermeneutic basis, where individuals were asked to describe their experience of empowerment and how they feel affected of it. This thesis has a deductive approach, where existing theories dealing empowerment formed the basis for the design of interview substrate, which is then paired with the empirical evidence, based on this the conclusions was drawn.Result & Conclusion:What separates the different kinds of empowerment and how it affect the staff depends most of all on how the management chooses to communicate and share information with their staff.Suggestions for future research:A study regarding managers that works with different kinds of empowerment, and how that affects them, could be regarded as an interesting future research.Contribution of thesis:It shows that different kinds of empowerment affect the staff in different ways, which I made clear to the readers.Keywords:empowerment, thinking skills, relations and organizational - structure and theory.

Personalen i frontlinjen som varumärkesbärare : En studie inom träningsanläggningar

The purpose of this research aims investigate whether front line personell are brand carriers who can affect the customers brand experience. This present study focuses on commercial fitness centers in Kalmar. Like brands, training is taking part in people?s everyday lives; fitness centers are offering the customer a wider range of group training.This thesis is based on a qualitative approach whereby eight interviews have been carried out with two members of the board and six employees of the front line. Additionally, this thesis is also based on three focus groups with four customers, representing the majority of each fitness centers.The research findings highlight that the front line employees are very important as they are seen as the brand; therefore the front line employee?s personality and behaviour will influence the customer?s view of the brand.

Förskollärares syn på Kvalitet i Förskolan

My purpose with this work is to find out how it relates with pre-schoolteatchers view about a quality in comparasion to control document, Lpfö-98, and with factors pre-schoolteatchers consider effects quality in pre-school describe pre-schoolteatchers view on that high quality is in pre- school.The investigation has been done by quality interviews with five pre- schoolteatchers working in pre- school. The results show that they do not make a difference between what are high quality and the factors that affect the possibility of creating high quality. Most important is qualified and engaged educationalist in the pre- school who who shows a good attitude towards the children, and where development and learning is central. The most decisive to a pre- schools quality are the personell who work there. A conditon to achieve high quality in pre- school is a head who knows the pre- school activity and its curriculum, and who takes active part in the activity, invites to discussions and offers pertinent competence development.According to the leading document Lpfö-98 you will achieve high quality by offering children rear and care.

Träning och kost på ett idrottsgymnasium -En explorativ undersökning som handlar om sambandet mellan kost och träning på ett ishockeygymnasium : Exercise and nutrition at a sportsgymnasium -An explorative survey of the relation between exercise and nutrit

This is an examination report in physical education. It focuses on the relation between excercise and nutrition and how this relation works in an icehockeygymnasium in a midsized city in Sweden. The training ratio for the students are 11-12 times a week which indirectly means that the nutricion is very important to them so that they have the strength to manage both training and school. In this examination report you can read about how the food is composed and how many meals the students are offered through their education program. The persons that I´ve interviewed are the head coach, the president of the school restaurant and three students.The students have practise in the noon two times a week, on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

En IT-forensikers kamp mot IT-brottsligheten : En studie om arbetssätt hos polisens IT-forensiker

The use of information technology (IT) is exploding. Today, it is in our daily routines to use some kind of information technology. The increase of users increases the number of cyber crimes, ie, crimes that in some way involve IT. As the cyber crimes grow in numbers, the workload for technical investigator increases, these are called digital crime investigators. The thesis is about how police digital crime investigators work and what problems they may encounter during an investigation.

Barnsäkerhet på förskolan : en kvalitativ jämförelsestudie

The purpose of the present study has been to investigate the attitudes of personell involved in the preschoolorganisation in a Swedish commune regarding injury risks for children in pre-school. Sixrespondents were interviewed in a qualitative interview study.Two different pre-school units were investigated, and it was found that they had surprisingly largedifferences in how they were working with children safety. However, in summary it can be said that therespondents perceived that child safety should encompass a safe and secure environment, however withthe important caveat that accidents can never be completely excluded, due to the natural anddevelopmentally important play of children.The investigated commune and pre-school units improved children safety mainly by using yearlyplanning meetings (Sw. "barnskyddsrond") where the physical environment in the school wasinvestigated together with external specialists. However, there are important differences in how the unitsworked within this framework, some units actively encouraging and others discouraging children andparent participation in the work..

Talent Management : Möjlighet eller hot? Sett ur HR-anställdas perspektiv.

The purpose of this study is to contribute with new knowledge of  how Talent Management can be seen as a an opportunity or threat for organizational development, concerning competence, on the basis of HR. The research questions asked are: Out of wich aspects can Talent Management be seen as an opportunity or threat on the basis of HR-employees? How can it affect the work of HR? To answer these questions qualitative interviews with five employees within HR from four different companies has been executed. The essay has been investigated on the basis of an explorative aim and with a qualitative method. The empirical results has indicated common themes such as director support, HRs view of Talent Management, HRs development and shifts of generations.

Gränser i öppna landskap : en studie i samverkanspotential mellan Försvarsmakten och centrala myndigheter vid svåra påfrestningar i fred

Denna uppsats har varit inriktad på att studera Försvarsmakten och centrala myndigheters samverkanvid svåra påfrestningar i fred. Problembakgrunden återfinns i sårbarhets - och säkerhetsutredningen.Utredningen gör bl a gällande att samverkanspotentialen ej är fullt utnyttjad mellan militära och civilamyndigheter. Tyngdpunkten i uppsatsens problemformulering omfattas av hur dennasamverkanspotential i positiv riktning kan förändras.Studien har strukturerats med hjälp av fem funktioner för ledningsförmåga; personal, organisation,doktrin, styrmedel samt teknik. Utifrån dessa funktioner har samverkanspotentialen analyserats.Analysen visar att det finns ett antal faktorer som är avgörande för en god samverkanspotential. Dessafaktorer kan summeras med; öka förståelsen för varandras verksamheter, tydliggöraansvarsfördelningen, skapa positiv vilja och attityd till samverkan, fördjupa personell ochorganisatorisk kunskap i gällande lagrum, förstärka möjligheterna till samverkan genom gemensamtledningssystem..

Att tala så det träffar : Om konsten att ge och ta feedback

To have a functioning organization where there is a self-development for employees them selves, as well as between managers and employees, where employees are empowered and work for the organization and its goals. Feedback seems to be the main instrument to solve problems and create that organization. At the Military Academy Karlberg and the basic officers training there is a lot of discussions about feedback and how it is supposed to be carried out. This essay discusses the matter of how well we live up to the demands set by leadership classes at the Military Academy, what the platoon leaders do think about how feedback takes its expression. The questions about how feedback is used are to be answered by interviews with five platoon leaders and their thoughts about how feedback is communicated at the Academy.

Ren Hand på rätt sätt : Inte alltid så lätt

Rätt utförd handhygien är en av de enklaste, mest betydelsefulla och minst kostsamma metoder för att minska spridning av vårdrelaterade infektioner, VRI. Trots omfattande kampanjer för förbättrad handhygien över hela världen för att förhindra VRI är det svårt att uppnå full följsamhet till rekommenderade riktlinjer. Syftet med denna litteraturstudie var att belysa attityder som kan påverka hälso- och sjukvårdspersonals följsamhet av rekommenderade riktlinjer för handhygien på sjukhus. Litteraturstudien baseras på nio vetenskapliga artiklar som analyserats enligt Lundman och Graneheims (2008) kvalitativa innehållsanalys. Artiklarna har granskats och kvalitetsbedömts utifrån Willman, Stolz och Bahtsevanis (2011) bedömningsmall.

Akuta hjälp- och stödinsatser inom psykiatrin : Vad är det som påverkar psykiatrins selektering och bedömning av de individer som söker akuta hjälp- och stödinsatser?

In this paper the authors are focusing on people that work in psychiatric acute care. How do they identify the individual that is in most need of acute care? How do they judge in this kind of cases?    The foundation in this study is in the qualitative method. The material to this study has been collected by doing qualitative interviews with six people in different professions and positions in psychiatric acute care.   The material that we collected from these six qualitative interviews has been analysed with help from Sherif?s and Hovland?s (1961) Social judgement theory.

Ren Hand på rätt sätt - Inte alltid så lätt

Rätt utförd handhygien är en av de enklaste, mest betydelsefulla och minst kostsamma metoder för att minska spridning av vårdrelaterade infektioner, VRI. Trots omfattande kampanjer för förbättrad handhygien över hela världen för att förhindra VRI är det svårt att uppnå full följsamhet till rekommenderade riktlinjer. Syftet med denna litteraturstudie var att belysa attityder som kan påverka hälso- och sjukvårdspersonals följsamhet av rekommenderade riktlinjer för handhygien på sjukhus. Litteraturstudien baseras på nio vetenskapliga artiklar som analyserats enligt Lundman och Graneheims (2008) kvalitativa innehållsanalys. Artiklarna har granskats och kvalitetsbedömts utifrån Willman, Stolz och Bahtsevanis (2011) bedömningsmall.

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